meeee ?
is a me mushinmushin. i dont know why you're creeping around my site, going around pressing random buttons; don't you have more important things to do ?
hv no fear !!! actually that's how i came to making this site, thankqq boredom and procrastination and all those lifesaving html tutorials
out there as a thank you for landing on my webby here's a few things about myself ( •̀ - •́ )
- my current favourite word combination is
- my current favourite word is "stummy", a combination of stomach and tummy something i made myself
- orginally i went about making my site on tumblr but there were MANY issues with responsive web design (guess who used px instead of %), i was lazy and didn't want to redo that so here I am, gracing you all with my presence. (this makes no logical sense, by no means is it easier to create a new website than fix an old one)
- physics makes me happy (╭ರ_•́)
- there's a few eggos around the site, cook em
- are they tasty? lmk on chaddy#4528
- oh and a final thing the most initial notion for creating a site was from Tori's chronic-pessimists blog in the book solitaire, my motives are similar to hers, i am going to be unaplogetically true to myself.